Beck, Travis B and Martin F. Quigley. “Emergy evaluation of food production in urban residential landscapes.” Urban Ecosystems 5 (2001): 187-207.
Measures the emergy yield ratio of an installed urban food-producing landscape over a single growing season in 2001 and then extrapolates the ratio over five years
Finds that there is more embodied energy in the urban growing plots than output energy, and more embodied emergy than other forms of agricultural production
To install food-producing landscapes in urban areas requires altering the networks by which these landscapes are supplied\
Nazmi, Aydin, Suzanna Martinez, Ajani Byrd, Derrick Robinson, Stephanie Bianco, Jennifer Maguire, Rashida M. Crutchfield, Kelly Condron & Lorrene Ritchie. “A systematic review of food insecurity among US students in higher education.” Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition (2018).
Food insecurity among college students was not a commonly discussed topic until 2010 after the Great Recession
This systematic review of food insecurity across 8 sources found that 1 in 2 college students may be food insecure in the United States
Trials on the effects of food security programs are needed to alleviate food insecurity among college students
Newman, Chris.”Into the Abyss: Why the Local Food Movement Needs to Stop Congratulating Itself.” Newco Shift (2018).
Investigates meat shipments procured by federal prisons through government contracts to investigate the scale and price of local meat production
Local farms do not produce enough meat to meet the industrial food demand required by large contracts
Soldavini, Jessica, Maureen Berner, Julia Da Silva. “Rates of and characteristics associated with food insecurity differ among undergraduate and graduate students at a large public university in the Southeast United States.” Preventive Medicine Reports 14 (2019).
Cross-sectional analysis of students across the United States to determine the percent that face food security
Food security rates are estimated at 25.2% for undergraduate students and 17.8% for graduate students
General References
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Whole Seed Catalog. Published annually.
Heirloom seed catalog with growing tips for rare varieties of seeds
Berry, Wendell. The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1996.
Set of cultural essays on the urban-rural divide and growing schism in America
Focus on regenerative farming and appreciation for the natural world
Farming as both a cultural and spiritual practice
Brand, Stewart. Whole Earth Catalog Publications. 1968-1972.
Counterculture publication with submissions from DIY projects to art installations
Ran from 1968-1972
Provides education and access to tools at low cost
Danforth, Adam, & Salatin, Joel. Butchering Poultry, Rabbit, Lamb, Goat, and Pork. Pownal: Storey Publishing, LLC, 2014.
Comprehensive guide on how to butcher poultry, rabbit, lamb, goat, and pork.
Learn how to create the proper slaughtering conditions, break the meat down, and produce flavorful cuts of meat. Stresses proper food safety at all times.
Expert advice on necessary tools and helpful tips on freezing and packaging.
Frankfurt, H. G. On bullshit. US: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Fukuoka, Masanobu. The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming. New York: Penguin Random House, 1975.
Manifesto against large-scale agribusiness and a call for regenerative agriculture across the globe
Goldblatt, Peter and John C. Manning. Temperate Garden Plant Families. Portland: Timber Press, 2019.
Hopkins, Stephanie. A Preliminary Assessment of Urban Fruit Tree Projects in the United States. Indiana University Master’s Thesis, 2012.
Lickwar, Phoebe and Roxi Thoren. Farmscape: The Design of Productive Landscapes. New York: Routledge, 2020.
Philip H. Howard, H. Concentration and power in the food system: Who controls what we eat? (Vol. 3, Contemporary food studies). New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
Food System Concentration: A Political Economy Perspective
Reinterpreting Antitrust: Retailing
Structuring Dependency: Distribution
Engineering Consumption: Packaged Foods and Beverages
Manipulating Prices: Commodity Processing
Subsidizing the Treadmill: Farming and Ranching
Enforcing the New Enclosures: Agricultural Inputs
Standardizing Resistance: The Organic Food Chain
Loeks, Z. The Permaculture Market Garden. Gabriola Island, CA: New Society, 2017.
Profiling crops and ecosystem-based techniques, Loeks demonstrates a profitable, sustainable and approachable model for the future of market gardening.
Loeks introduces his own system of PermaBeds, season extension techniques, intensive and rotational interplanting, in-depth discussions on soil health.
Lowenfalls, Jeff and Wayne Lewis. Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener’s Guide to the Soil Food Web. Minneapolis: Timber Press, 2010.
Discussion of soil microbiology from the science to application
Rigorous scientific research into composting processes and generating soil from foundation
Mollison, Bill. Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual. Sydney: Tagari Publications, 1999.
Original permaculture manual from one of the co-founders of the permaculture movement in Australia
Focus on tropical and southern hemisphere plants and trees
New Entry Sustainable Farming Project. Community Farmland Connections: A guide to the use of GIS mapping for discovering underutilized farmland and expanding its use for agriculture. Lowell, MA: New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, 2014.
Provides practical information on spatial analysis to combing soil data, land use cover, local assessor’s data and wetlands boundaries to find parcels suited for agricultural use
Outlines the advantages and limitations of a GIS mapping practice
Penniman, Leah. Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land. White River Junction: Chelsea Green Publishers, 2018.
Practical guide for purchasing, farming and establishing a collective in the United States
Focus on Soul Fire Farm outside of Albany, New York
Rainer, Thomas and Claudia West. Planting in a Post-Wild World: Designing Plant Communities for Resilient Landscapes. Portland: Timber Press, 2015.
Discussion of planting communities that focus on plant physiology to design in place
Range of scales from garden to larger park projects
Theory complemented by case studies
Toensmeier, Eric. The Carbon Farming Solution: A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security. White River Junction: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2016.
Survey of regenerative agriculture practices and techniques from around the world and an overview of the species they use
Includes a robust set of references from indigenous practices to agrobusiness models and studies on carbon sequestration
Online resource includes a spreadsheet with species for carbon sequestration by biome
Watson, Julia. LO-TEK: Design by Radical Indigenism. New York: Taschen, 2019.
Resilient, nature-based technologies that rely on an indigenous philosophy, documented with photographs and architectural drawings
Whitefield, Patrick. The Earth Care Manual: A Permaculture Handbook for Britain and other Temperate Climates. London: Permanent Publications, 2005.
An updated version of Bill Mollison’s design handbook for temperate climates
Includes design techniques that are taught at a permaculture design course as well as species to plant and maintenance regimes